MMI Film Gala Poster (Unrealized Solution)

Horizontal Digital Signage
Vertical Poster

Here is a poster that I submitted as a part of a design team in my Graphic Design Studio class for the ORU Media Management Institute for the Film Gala. The clients wanted themselves photographed for the poster and in a very specific style. I personally went to the photoshoot along with my colleague’s and helped direct the talent accordingly so that we could verify that we were able to use the pictures given to us.

ORU Golf Label (Unrealized Solution)

(I should first and foremost mention that the head of the bird is the ORU logo and is very much not my design. I made this as a potential extension to the existing logo.) Here is a label that I submitted as a part of a design team in my Graphic Design Studio class for the ORU Golf Team. I am much more confident in my traditional illustrative techniques when it comes to somewhat organic forms such as these, so I hand drew the label, using the Fibonacci sequence as my guide for uniformity, and finished the label on the computer. My solution wasn’t chosen by the clients, and we expounded on one of my colleague’s.